Binding-Brauerei – Schöfferhofer Hefeweizen

Schofferhofer HefeweizenFROM BINDING-BRAUEREI, one of Germany’s preeminent brewers of non-alcoholic beer in Clausthaler, comes another brand slightly off the beaten path: the Schöfferhofer Hefeweizen. Unusually dark for the style, its color is closer to amber than gold and its flavor more aligned with traditional malts than wheat or zesty yeast. The body and overall impression are still lighter than what’s prototypical in this style, though, despite its color and sweeter malt side. Alcohol of 5% is smack-dab unremarkable. Yeast esters are a little subordinate to citric hops in the back end, diminishing the role of banana even further in the (admittedly modest) interplay of flavors. Clean and light finish supported by the distinctively German mineral clarity, leaving little of the typical hefe yeast impression behind. Perhaps it ought to have.

Served: On tap

Rating: 83

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